Friday 12 July 2013

oops, Have A Theory!

I apologise, I have forgotten about the blog, (not that anyone seems to be reading it) Although I have decided since my mother doesn't stop saying weird shit I shall continue posting.


Here is another theory, well not much a theory just a homicidal hedgehog.Yep you read right a Homicidal Hedgehog.

Everybody has been into a pet store,either to buy food or stare wantonly at puppies and kittens that are so cute you want to puke rainbows. Yes we've all done it.

Well in the pet store close to me, they sell hedgehogs, I frequent this store due to the fact my friend works there and usually allows me to play with the kittens, I WANT ONE!   Ahem sorry about that

One faithful boring day I entered this pet store with my mother and I was told about the hedgehogs. Naturally I needed to see it and awww at it. (We all do this) My mother said "Ohh is it spiky"

Then went to touch it, of course it reacted and my mother ran to the other side of the room. After we left I questioned her about it:

Me: You ran away from a hedgehog
Her: It had a Knife
Me: It was a Hedgehog
Her: It was going for my throat
Me: .....How?
Her: It was made from its spikes
Me: So it wasn't a knife it was some sort of Spike Shiv
Her: It was a knife

You heard it here folks, Hedgehogs carry knives and are not afraid to use them! Those Prickly Bastards!

Now for the word of the week -drum roll- lapidarist,
A lapidarist is a expert in gemstones and cutting them. Your challenge is a sentence, the best sentence including the word lapidarist will win comment your sentences below!

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